Wednesday, May 28, 2008

重庆火锅@Tanglin Shopping Centre!

昨日, 老板请吃晚餐。

fr: yun
(至于我们的中華民國之旅2008, 经过肥老人, 白老大和懶骨頭多方面的讨论后, 决定stick to our inital proposal first! 最坏打算就是我们三人带着粉紅豬的人形立牌一起出发! 哈哈哈!)

1 comment:

Shallwewrite said...

I know you gals will be disappointed but its really beyond my control. They are flickle minded with the plans. They tried to persuade me to take the language in Spore. Then later bring out the HR policy want to to go there early for language. Reject my appeal. I had already ask my mom to arrange her opt when I am around. Now all the plans had been scramble. I am really piss with them. But what to do??? I am just a small 'ikan' in the organisation.